Title: Tangerine - Led Zeppelin
This tune is truly epic. I first heard it at the end of the film Almost Famous. It's track 7 from Zeppelin III, and it makes me want to stand on a cliff over looking the sea in Celtic areas of Britain.
Diabetes is such a pain in the arse illness. I don't mean to sound self-pitying or whatever because, you know, shit happens. I just mean that it's so much effort, especially if you're a lazy bummer student like me. But I mean, I made an appointment at my Doctors in Bangor to sort my prescription out, and I wanted to see a Doctor but the reception assumed that because I was a student I'd want to see the nurse or something. So I went there on Friday and had my appointment, but the nurse was like "come back on monday to have some bloods taken so we have a base outline of your HbA1C and shit" or something to that effect. I was like, 'hold up. I've been at this Doctors for three years and only now you're asking for blood tests?' I didn't say that really but I would've if I wasn't chicken shit afraid of this nurse.
So, I had my blood taken this morning, and initially they put the needle (teehee, I typed noodle then by mistake) in my right arm where there's normally more blood. But because I have really skinny arms they couldn't find a vein big enough so after digging around (literally) they moved to my other arm which was easier. Then they told me I needed to provide another sort of sample and get it in by the end of the week, as well as making an appointment for a weeks time to discuss my results. Drag. I'm registered at two hospitals and a doctor, I have a specialist Diabetes doctor back whom who I love, so why do I need blood here too? Do they not have phones or email to send each other my results instead of persistantly stealing my blood? Anyway, I got in and took the sticky cotton pad things off my arms but they hirt like a bitch coming off and left big gluey marks on my arms. I just spent like 20 minutes in the shower scrubbing them off, and then when I got out I ad to finish them off with a face wipe. Now though, I have big blue bruises and red needle marks so I'm going to look like a junkie for the rest of the week.
Apparently, the Coca-Cola Christmas advert was on TV on yesterday during X-Factor. Now I don't have a TV at Uni, and if I did I probably wouldn't be watching X-Factor. I guess that means Christmas is coming. Even though it's still only NOVEMBER. I can't be bothered with Christmas. This year my mum is spending it in Runcorn with her boyfriend Alan, and my sister is spending it with her boyfriend Tom, and I got the offer to stay in Runcorn but I'm not for three reasons:
- My Ma has really annoyed me recently with the way she's handled, or not handled my sister being hospitalised.
- I want to be at my own house on Christmas day. I want to be comfortable and able to slob around in my 'jamas all day and be really lazy.
- My Dad lives by himself too, so I'm getting him to come round and spend the day with me. Just hanging out and watching crap TV and maybe have some form of Christmas dinner. I'm going to ring him tomorrow I think.
To be honest, I am gutted that I probs won't see my Ma on that day but never mind eh? It may mean that I can open a few of my presents when I see her. If I see her. Meh. I'm just glad I get to hang out with my Dad and have some kind of Christmas dinner (we didn't have one last year because my Mum was working). God, Christmas is depressing.
I have my dissertation presentation on friday. Nervous as hell. More about the question section rather than the actual presentation. I'm going to do some work on it now for an hour or so I think. I want to try and get an early night as I want to get up early tomorrow but I had a can of Pepsi a second ago so that seems unlikely. Oh well, more time to do work. Or watch Youtube videos and stupid films online.
It's started getting really cold now. It was frosty this morning. I could see my breath when I looked out my bedroom window. I guess it's time to break out the winter wardrobe, which is for me essentially mini dresses with cardigans, thick tights or leggings and boots.
Gonna go do work now.
Oh God, I actually put TTYL didn't I? SHAME.
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