In the play Hamlet, the character of Marcellus's first word is 'Hollah'. I just found that particularly interesting.
Well it's been a busy week. As I mentioned a few posts back it was my housemates' birthdays (I don't know how to punctuate that) and a big group of us got dressed and went around Bangor getting drunk. Here's a photo of some of us in the first pub we went to; Rascals (I'm second left):
That was a pretty awesome night as both Louise and Becca got utterly trollied, Becca couldn't even remember half the night. Good times. We ended up in Wetherspoons, where myself and Louise's friend Rhian ordered pitchers (Cherry Ochard for me, Frilly Tutu for her) but we still had half left when we were asked to leave, so we decided it would be a good idea to mix the pitchers into one jug and take it home with us, via the smoker's bit. We still have the jug. We also ordered a massive takeaway (double cheeseburger and chips ftw!) the sauce of which ended up on my dress :)

On Wednesday I had a dissertation meeting with my supervisor who decided that my topic was too broad. After mch deliberation we came up with a more unique and defined topic. The working title for it is:
'What is the Significance of Casting in the Films of Martin Scorsese?'
I also found out my presentation for the dissertation is on Friday 19th November at 3.30, which means I can't go and see Harry Potter with my friends that day. I'm also relieved that I don't have to do it in front of the evil director of studies and my personal tutor; Professor Sullivan.
So yesterday I spent the evening finishing my Dissertation Proposal, printing it off, and looking up Chuck Norris Facts when I'd finished.
As for today, I handed in the two copies of my final Proposal then came back home. I'm having lunch with some friends today, Rascals once again, followed by a quick trip to the Doctors. Then I am coming back and sleeping for a few hours. I really need a nap.
Today I'm channelling Kurt Cobain, and also being a total scruff by wearing a breton top, grey jeans and scuffed army boots.
Also, I have a crush on actor James Duval in the 1990s Greg Araki films. Example:
See what I mean?

Anyway, I gotta motor if I want to get some lunch.
Talk soon.
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