Title: Send me on my way - Rusted RootMorning all!
You should all seriously listen to the song mentioned above. It'll put you in a good mood for the day. So, how was everyone's Halloween? Mine was pretty good. I got over 500 words of my dissertation proposal draft done, wich is what I wanted. I need to get anoter 400 and something words done today but I think that's do-able. Yeah, last night my housemate Louise and I went round to our friends to watch some horror films which was good fun, even though I've seen both the films many times (Paranormal Activity and Zombieland). So there was me, Louise, Laura, Tasha and Amie huddled on these sofas with snacks and duvets. It was really nice.
It's my Mum's birthday today; HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM! Unfortunately I haven't been able to get home to Manchester to see her, but I've sent her a card with a necklace inside. I was hoping it'd get there for today but apparently not. Hopefully tomorrow. Oh and some good news, my sister came out of hospital yesterday. She was in for a few days because of a Diabetes thing. Nasty illness that I myself suffer with.
Today is one of my days off from Uni so I'm going to get as much work done as I can today. Like finishing my proposal and reading Hamlet as I'm not going to have much time this week as tomorrow is both my housemate's birthday! So we're going to get all dressed up, grab a bunch of people and go on a major pub crawl through Bangor. We're starting in the Menai which is a pub in Upper Bangor and ending up, well, probably on the bathroom floor to be honest. It's going to be good times! I'll try and put a picture or two up in the next few days. I cannot WAIT to wear the dress I'm wearing. I got it at the beginning of last month and haven't had an excuse to wear it yet. It's gorgeous. Topshop, thank you very much. And I got discount on it. Having a student card is really the best part of being a student.
I need this in my life!

It's a sweet fried egg ring! This is from an awesomely cute company Sweetie Bon Bomb. Find them on Facebook.
As for clothes today. Once again it's a slouchy day today, I don't plan on going out anywhere so I'm in my trusty grey skinnies and a purple scoop neck 3/4 length sleeved jersey style top I got from Primark waaay back in the August of 2008. My hair needs washing too but I can't be bothered to do it now so it's just up out of the way in a messy bun. I've just gotta say how much I am looking forward to tomorrow night. It's an excuse to wear dresses with heels, and straighten my hair, and wear proper makeup rather than just a sweep of mascara. Good times.
Anyway, I should put some washing in the machine and start my work for the day.
Talk soon!
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