Title: Everlong (Acoustic) - Foo Fighters.
So, it's been a while :) Ah who cares, nobody reads this anyway. I just like to pretend that I have friends.
You know what I've realised? I'm a flake when it comes to things like journals and blogs and social networking sites. Pretty much anything to do with my personal life. Well, as personal as one can be online. I never EVER finish my diaries, even though I've had a journal since I was like 7 or 8. I remember it well. It had a teddy bear on the front and a little lock. I even remember my first entry. It was christmas and I was upset because I got an Anastasia doll, but I lost one of her shoes, and also my sisters wouldn't play with me. But then I went back and changed it so it was like this;
So, it's been a while :) Ah who cares, nobody reads this anyway. I just like to pretend that I have friends.
You know what I've realised? I'm a flake when it comes to things like journals and blogs and social networking sites. Pretty much anything to do with my personal life. Well, as personal as one can be online. I never EVER finish my diaries, even though I've had a journal since I was like 7 or 8. I remember it well. It had a teddy bear on the front and a little lock. I even remember my first entry. It was christmas and I was upset because I got an Anastasia doll, but I lost one of her shoes, and also my sisters wouldn't play with me. But then I went back and changed it so it was like this;
'I lost found Anastasia's shoe, and now nobody mummy will play with me.'
So I'm really into this vlog at the minute. Check it out on Youtube, just type 'Community Channel' into the search box and there's like over 200 videos on the channel. It's by a girl called Natalie Tran, and her videos are absolutely hilarious and skillfully made. Go see.
Knee ache, so I'm going to settle down now for bed. Shit. I totally have to read two plays by Sam Sheperd tonight. Fail.
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