I found this whilst I was browsing the internet yesterday for Halloween themed food. Never have I wanted to eat fingers so much in my life!

These are actually cookies! I love food that's shaped like something else. I would never have the heart to eat such culinary artwork though!
Thank God for the end of British summer time which has meant that I can get out of bed an hour later than usual and not feel guilty like I've wasted the day. I really need to get my dissertation proposal out of the way asap. It's 1000 words yeah? I'm thinking I try and get 500 out of the way today and finish it tomorrow. And just to motivate myself if I get the 500 words done by tonight, I will allow myself the night off to watch a couple of horror films. Just so I don't feel like a total loser on Halloween. I've seen loads though. I might find some newer ones online.
It's a slobbing around in the house today so I haven't put too much thought into what I'm wearing, but I can't spend all day in my pyjamas like some so I've decided on grey skinny jeans, a purple ribbed vest top that I've had for like six years or something, and a long-sleeved cream top that was a bargain at £12.99 from River Island. It's this one:

I love it. Cosy. I've put some really thick massive socks on too so my feet are toasty and I'm all snuggley.
As for my to-do list yesterday I got pretty much everything done to some extent so yay for that. Bit headachey today though. Oh well, to quote Taxi Driver "I do not believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention." Hmm, but isn't a blog just that? Self-attention? I don't know. My head hurts.
Bye for now
P.S. I found out the other day that Batman actor and Family Guy regular Adam West has a pet moose called...get ready for it...Moose Wayne! How cool is that? It's like Bruce Wayne, but with Moose.